West Vue, Inc.
Retirement Community

Admission Information
Our goal is to have smooth and perfect transitions every time.
The Admissions Coordinator:
Prepares families for transition/admission
Assists the hospital in communicating with the family
Schedules transportation between hospital and community
Prepares staff with medical equipment, preferences, goals, and medical information
Verifies prescriptions on-site
Schedules admission day therapy evaluations
Provides your family with financial education
Extensive coordination with the hospital before hospital discharge
Person-Centered Care
West Vue provides person-centered care in a home-like
environment. Our approach is to honor each resident's
individual personality, past experiences, habits, and customs and incorporate them into each resident's daily life.
What to Expect During Admission
Information that will be covered during admission includes:
Information Exchange - Personal: Contact names & numbers, Personal routines; Legal: Guardianship, Durable Power of Attorney, Advanced directives
Financial Planning - Long Term Care Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and HMOs
Discharge Planning - Present/Future goals, Home Health, Home renovations/DME
Facility Tour
For more information, please contact our Social Services Office at 417-256-2152 or email admissions@westvueinc.org